While exploring London, and being very touristy, I visited Hampton Court Palace, former home of Cardinal Wolsey which he unwillingly gave to Henry XVIII which passed on through the generations as a favourite summer home for the court and for the King and Queen until the 18th Century. The palace is best known for its amazing and intricate gardens and fine architecture, but it has more to offer then that. They also have a running Tudor kitchen, where accomplished and specialty chefs experiment with 16th century cooking, using only authentic methods. Take my word for it, once you step in there, you never want to leave, it smells deliciously wonderful and you only want to pick up a meat pie and stuff your face. Though, that is impossible, since all the meat and vegetable are local, and butchered themselves, so it isn’t safe by government standards. But when you inhale roasting chicken on a spit, you want to pull it off with your bare hands –despite the obvious chance of getting your hands burnt off- and digging your teeth into it. But only the cooks are allowed to eat their own toils.
Hrmm, ok, back to reality, I took some shots when I was there, to give you guys a glimpse of the Hampton Court Tudor Kitchen. It was really interesting to see how food was prepared, and how the Royal's ate during those tumultuous times. If you ever have the time and your in London, take a trip to Hampton, it was well worth my money.